The True History

En historiker som vågar se, även de fakta som inte passar in i det tillåtna narrativet, har mycket intressant att säga om t.ex. Andra Världskriget, Winston Churchill och massinvandringen till Europa. Vågar du lyssna?

“[Darryl Cooper] You go to a place, like… any European nation where, this is a peoples’ ancient homeland. And there’s actually such thing as an ‘Englishman’. An ‘American’, again, the definition of it changes with every generation and it’s always been that way, but the definition of an ‘Englishman’ has never changed and never will change. And those people, the English people… are in the process right now of forever losing the only spot of land they have on this earth that is dedicated to the flowering and preservation of the English people. And it’s a tiny little spot… [Tucker Carlson]: It’s true for the Dutch, it’s true for the Spanish, it’s true for the Germans, it’s true for the Belgians – it’s true for every western European nation. /…/ [Darryl Cooper]: If you go back to Louis XIV or any powerful monarch, they never would have dared imagine that they could do that [mass immigration] to their people without getting their head cut off. They wouldn’t have dared imagined that they could just replace their people with people from a different continent, different religion, different languages – to overwhelm them; to make their own people a minority in that country for whatever reason. /…/ One generation [the post-war generation] decided that they had no responsibility to any of the people that came before them, and they have no responsibility to any of the people who are coming after them, they are going to permanently, radically, irreparably transform their society in ways that they know hurt the majority of the population.”